Napoleon film, Kissinger’s death and world history

The way you tell the story of Napoleon reveals how the historian imagines the plot of world history. Ridley Scott’s Napoleon awkwardly straddles comedy and farce, but never gets to the tragic heart of the French Republican European Empire. The way you tell the story of Henry Kissinger reveals how statecraft imagines world order. TheContinueContinue reading “Napoleon film, Kissinger’s death and world history”

Blood and Ruins: the Great Imperial War 1931-45, Richard Overy

I have begun reading Richard Overy, Blood and Ruins: the Great Imperial War 1931-45 (2021). This new comprehensive world history of World War Two renames, redates and rethinks that conflict that still dominates the mental world of world leaders

Landmarks of a changing world: 2023 BRICS Summit and India on the Moon

No doubt the big story of the multipolar world this week was the BRICS summit in Johannesburg. It even managed to feature the Indian space mission landing on the moon Narendra Modi was gracious enough to declare this an achievement of the plural world.

The Burning Archive Podcast Ep 114. Exploring World History with Leading Historian Felipe Fernández-Armesto – Part 1

The Burning Archive podcast brings you a special two-part interview with the esteemed world historian, Felipe Fernández-Armesto.