Sebald’s sentences

“Max” W.G. Sebald wrote some of the most mesmerising sui generis texts of 20th century literature. His Rings of Saturn is a collection of essays on silk, travel, depression, genocide and the prose marvel, Thomas Browne – a Borgesian list sewn together with deep meditation. This great work transformed my sense of possibility with writing,ContinueContinue reading “Sebald’s sentences”

Sebald’s sentences

I have spent the afternoon, as if in retreat from a world that does not welcome me, lying in bed and reading, much as I did as a teenage boy when I fled a family that tormented me into the world that I conjured from the novels of Trollope, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, a world whichContinueContinue reading “Sebald’s sentences”

Thomas Bernhard’s soliloquies

Looking around my study this morning for a prompt for a post, still with the idea in the back of my head of doing versions of list posts on a Tuesday, I pulled out Thomas Bernhard’s The Loser from the shelves. Selecting a page at random, I came upon this passage: “Our starting point isContinueContinue reading “Thomas Bernhard’s soliloquies”