America’s fate: civil war, fragmentation or collapse?

Today after the distressing events and death in the Capitol building of Washington DC that interrupted the process of confirming electoral college votes, I am reposting this piece from five months ago. It may be more relevant today than then. I would place my bets on fragmentation or collapse at this stage *** Original PostContinueContinue reading “America’s fate: civil war, fragmentation or collapse?”

America’s fate: civil war, fragmentation or collapse?

There is increasing talk of a looming civil war in America. There has even been a website – – established to track the increasing speculation on civil war by both left and right. Two years ago the academic military strategist, Michael Vlahos speculated on the form and likelihood of a Third Civil War. VlahosContinueContinue reading “America’s fate: civil war, fragmentation or collapse?”

America’s Coming Century of Humiliation

Could it be that the current unrest in America and the disintegration of its political, social and cultural institutions are the beginning of its own 21st century version of the Chinese Qing Empire’s Century of Humiliation – 百年耻辱? Could it even be that the leaders of China – who by the account of Michael Pillsbury,ContinueContinue reading “America’s Coming Century of Humiliation”

Could the culture wars descend into civil wars?

Over at the online magazine Quilette, a Shakespeare scholar at a minor English university, Neerna Parvini, commenting on the Brett Kavanaugh appointment hearing, that turmoil of identity politics fuelled by partisan cynicism, raised a very dire prospect. “If I was being pessimistic, I’d say it was a moment in which the left chose a nuclearContinueContinue reading “Could the culture wars descend into civil wars?”